computer AI "brain" for Revenge originally found by Melonbread "800F9BE8 could be the AI "Brain" for P2" "But that particular address is the AI's 'intention' For example, 03 is 'attempt weak strike'. So if I force this address to 03, the AI will constantly attempt weak strikes But let's say I just put a breakpoint on it... When it naturally changes to 03, I can work back through the lines of code ... At some point (probably many thousands of lines prior), there will be a 'probability' dice roll It will be something like: 20% chance of grapple, 20% chance of weak strike, 10% chance of strong strike, 50% chance back off And in that case, because it hit the 20% chance of weak strike, that's why the AI decided to perform a weak strike" (offset 0x60 between players) P1 800F9B88 P2 800F9BE8 P3 800F9C48 P4 800F9CA8 [b] = byte [s] = short/halfword (2 bytes) [w] = word (4 bytes) +0x00 [w] Action/Intention (lowest byte only) +0x04 [s] ? +0x06 [s] ? +0x08 [s] ? +0x0A [s] ? +0x0C [b] ? +0x0D [b] unused?? +0x0E [s] ? +0x10 [s] ? +0x12 [s] ? +0x14 [s] ? +0x16 [s] ? +0x18 [s] ? +0x1A [s] ? +0x1C [s] ? +0x1E [s] ? +0x20 [s?] unused?? +0x22 [s] ? +0x24 [s] ? +0x26 [s] ? +0x28 [s] ? +0x2A [s] ? +0x2C [s] ? +0x2E [s] ? +0x30 [s] ? +0x32 [s] ? +0x34 [w] (float) +0x38 [w] (float?) +0x3C [w] (float?) +0x40 [w] (float?) +0x44 [w] (float?) +0x48 [w] (float) +0x4C [w] (float) +0x50 [w] (float) +0x54 [w] (float) +0x58 [w] (float) +0x5C [w] Action/Intention values (most figured out by RagDas) 00 Do Nothing 01 Weak grapple 02 Strong grapple 03 Weak strike 04 Block 05 Dodge 06 Strong B+Direction Strike 07 Run towards? 08 Irish whip 09 Waiting for irish whipped/running opponent 0B Also dodge? 0E In weak grapple 0D Ground grapple 12 Being pinned/in submission 15 Enter ring from apron/climb to apron from outside 16 Go to apron from ring/leave ring 17 Rope to outside flying attack (e.g. vault press) 19 Walk towards 1A Run towards 1B Walk away 1C Also Dodge? 1D Another weak grapple? 1F Also block? 26 Get up 22 Taunt (any direction?) 23 Running attack (into corner?) 25 Being reversed? 2E Opponent is outside, run to ropes, bounce off, roll, then do crouching taunt 36 Ground strike? example data 00000026 00000010 00000600 0000FFFF 0002032B 000F004F 002E0000 00030003 00000001 01030059 00000003 00030001 00000004 42AEB629 C0914C00 42B9CF0E C2B99636 FFFFF820 43C6F208 440019BF 43B034C2 430D4375 4325FF50 00010000