Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 Broad Action values ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right. A lot of these will overlap with No Mercy's values. Some of the values from No Mercy will just flat out not be in VPW2 since they deal with things added later on. Thanks to WldFb for clarifying some values. :) That being said. Descriptions with * before them were discovered by force instead of naturally. 0000 - ? (MMA rules) 0001 - Standing 0002 - Going around turnbuckle corner 0003 - Running 0004 - Bouncing off ropes 0005 - Collide + Staredown 0006 - Roll/Cartwheel 0007 - Running attack 0008 - Running weapon attack 0009 - Dodge on apron 000A - Climbing turnbuckle 000B - irish whip opponent (primary) 000C - irish whip opponent (secondary) 000D - Throwing opponent out of ring (primary) 000E - Throwing opponent out of ring (secondary) 000F - Throwing someone into ring (primary) 0010 - Throwing someone into ring (secondary) 0011 - In ring, delivering head smash to turnbuckle 0012 - On apron, receiving head smash to turnbuckle 0013 - On apron, delivering head smash to turnbuckle 0014 - In ring, receiving head smash to turnbuckle 0015 - Getting thrown into ring side 0016 - Getting thrown into guardrail 0017 - Getting thrown into ring post 0018 - In turnbuckle 0019 - * Turnbuckle corner throw reverse 1 001A - * Turnbuckle corner throw reverse 2 001B - Taunt 001C - Towards corner turnbuckle taunt 001D - Leapfrog/Drop down (primary) 001E - Leapfrog/Drop down (secondary) 001F - Apron strike to inside 0020 - Apron to outside stomp attack 0021 - Apron to opponent on apron attack 0022 - Weak Striking 0023 - Strong Striking 0024 - Running opponent attack 0025 - Ducking attack 0026 - Weapon weak attack to standing 0027 - Weapon strong attack to standing 0028 - Weapon attack to downed 0029 - Standing break up submission/pin 002A - Running break up submission/pin 002B - Turnbuckle attack 002C - Tree of Woe attack 002D - Attacking opponent on apron from outside 002E - *same as 2D? 002F - Running attack to opponent on apron from outside 0030 - Knockdown (Get hit from outside ring while on apron) 0031 - TKO 0032 - Bleed 0033 - Breaking up from grapple? 0034 - Downed/on ground 0035 - Standing dizzy 0036 - Hit (being hit by strong striking and not falling) 0037 - In tree of woe 0038 - Staggering back 0039 - Flip opponent on ground (primary) 003A - Flip opponent on ground (secondary) 003B - Picking opponent up 003C - Being picked up 003D - Removing opponent from corner 003E - Being removed from corner 003F - Turning opponent around in corner 0040 - Being turned around in corner 0041 - Tree of Woe setup (primary) 0042 - Tree of Woe setup (secondary) 0043 - Release opponent from Tree of Woe 0044 - Being released from Tree of Woe 0045 - attempting pin (primary) 0046 - attempting pin (secondary) 0047 - pinning opponent 0048 - being pinned by opponent 0049 - Ground hold, dragging opponent on ground 004A - Being in ground hold; getting dragged on ground 004B - Looping animation (primary) 004C - Looping animation (secondary) 004D - Doing pinning move to opponent 004E - Getting pinned by move 004F - Blocking 0050 - * Blocking 2 0051 - 0052 - Getting Up, Ducking 0053 - Grapple attempt 0054 - In grapple 0055 - Being grappled 0056 - Test of Strength 1 0057 - Test of Strength 2 0058 - Doing a grapple move 0059 - Taking a gapple move 005A - In combo stance 005B - Having combo done to you 005C - Shootfighter strong grapple attempt (primary) 005D - Shootfighter strong grapple attempt (secondary) 005E - Ground mount attempt (primary) 005F - Ground mount attempt (secondary) 0060 - Shootfighter mounted position (primary) 0061 - Shootfighter mounted position (secondary) 0062 - Grapple move that involves movement? (primary) 0063 - Grapple move that involves movement? (secondary) 0064 - Grapple move to running opponent (primary) 0065 - Grapple move to running opponent (secondary) 0066 - Grapple from combo 0067 - Being grappled from combo 0068 - Winning Test of Strength? 0069 - ?? reversed? 006A - Attacking down opponent 006B - Running attack on down opponent 006C - Get knocked down from sitting up position 006D - Counter strike 006E - Getting a strike countered 006F - Reversing weapon strike 0070 - Having weapon grabbed 0071 - *Rolling away (back strike reversal?) 0072 - Holding the opponent's leg (Enzuigiri reversal primary) 0073 - Leg being held by opponent (Enzuigiri reversal secondary) 0074 - L button backing up 0075 - Breaking Grapple (L button) (primary) 0076 - Breaking Grapple (L button) (secondary) 0077 - From ring to apron, apron to outside 0078 - From outside to apron, apron to ring 0079 - Getting hit on apron, falling to outside 007A - Running rope taunt/dives (baseball slides, etc.) 007B - Rope plancha to outside 007C - Rope splash attack (in-ring non-rebound lionsault) 007D - Corner splash attack 007E - Apron dive to outside 007F - Running apron dive 0080 - Apron to ring springboard attack 0081 - Rope rebound attack 0082 - Flying move to standing opponent in ring 0083 - Flying move to opponent outside 0084 - Flying move to downed opponent in ring 0085 - *? (looks like wrestler is on turnbuckle) 0086 - *? (on outside) 0087 - *? force to apron from outside; force in ring from apron 0088 - holding opponent's arms on apron (primary) 0089 - holding opponent's arms on apron (secondary) 008A - Doomsday Device setup 008B - *Get lifted up on Doomsday Device 008C - Double Team Grapple (primary) 008D - Double Team Grapple (secondary) 008E - Double Team Grapple (tertiary/victim) 008F - Pulling opponent from ring to outside 0090 - Being tripped/pulled from ring/ramp 0091 - Throwing opponent off top rope (primary) 0092 - Throwing opponent off top rope (secondary) 0093 - Going to grab a weapon 0094 - (Tag match) going back to corner 0095 - Getting tagged in 0096 - Tagging partner in 0097 - Call for tag 0098 - *go back to apron (tag)? 0099 - Turning dazed standing opponent 009A - *rotate? 009B - *Roll out of ring (as if eliminated) 009C - Running -> C Up in order to stand on the apron (inside ring/onto ramp in Dome Road) 009D - Running -> C Up in order to stand on the apron (to ring/onto ramp in Dome Road)/Slide into ring 009E - *Pulling someone's leg, getting them out of the ring 009F - Being pulled down from apron 00A0 - Running over downed opponent and turn around 00A1 - Running over downed opponent and continue 00A2 - Running Grapple move 00A3 - Receiving running grapple move 00A4 - *!(chop) 00A5 - *(baseball slide) 00A6 - *(walk cycle, input lock) 00A7 - next Battle Royal entrant 00A8 - *go back to apron (tag)? 00A9 - *goes to running 00AA - Ramp to Apron 00AB - Apron to Ramp 00AC - Stomping from ramp to outside ring 00AD - Attacking person on apron from outside ring 00AE - Jumping attack off of ramp 00AF - Ramp Suplex (primary) 00B0 - Ramp Suplex (secondary) 00B1 - Flailing, trying not to fall off of ramp 00B2 - * WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT IT JUST DID/.1?!? (jumping off the top rope) 00B3 and above - [freeze game]