VPW2 camera stuff, challenge from snesmaster40 and gray plague accepted by freem/aj 8015D920 - Horizontal rotation? 8015D924 - Camera vertical 8015D928 - more Camera vertical 8015D92C - more rotation? 8015D930 - some sort of zoom from the top of the arena 8015D934 - some sort of zoom 8015D938 - yet another horizontal rotation addy 8015D93C - Camera vertical angle 8015D940 - yet another Camera vertical --------------------------------------- 2021 update with value mappings from melonbread src: https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/vpw2dojo/camera-addresses-t431.html names/descriptions: https://gexhex.forumotion.com/t39-camera-addys-and-values ---------+----------+--------------------------- No Mercy | VPW2 | Name/Description ---------+----------+--------------------------- 8115A540 | 8115D910 | "Zoom Camera. Centered on the ring from a slight upward angle." 8115A544 | 8115D914 | "This camera Pans to the outer left of the ring the higher the value." 8115A548 | 8115D918 | "This camera pans up and down." 8115A54C | 8115D91C | 8115A550 | 8115D920 | "Hard Camera Left" 8115A554 | 8115D924 | "Hard camera up and down" 8115A558 | 8115D928 | "Hard Camera down + weirdness" 8115A55C | 8115D92C | "cut away camera"..."from the left" 8115A560 | 8115D930 | "Default Camera. This is the position the camera will reset to when the two wrestlers are a far enough distance from one another." 8115A564 | 8115D934 | "like the cut away camera, but from the front" 8115A568 | 8115D938 | "Another cut away camera, but from the side." 8115A56C | 8115D93C | "Up/Down cut camera" 8115A570 | 8115D940 | "Default Down. This is like the other default camera, but angled downwards." ---------+----------+--------------------------- "Not sure if this has been documented before, but it looks like there are lighting controls tucked in amongst the camera addresses. Looks like there are three addresses: 8015D8FC, 8015D900 and 8015D904 (all floating point, wholeword values) - looks like the game usually only uses the middle address. I think tweaking these might change the location (or angle) of the light hitting the ring..."