--------------------------- hey what's at 0x34BDC0? some list ends at 0x3656F0. --------------------------- 0x1A75E0 - long name? 0x1A75F9 - short name? 0x6E300 - japanese alphabet of some sorts? 0x2ED438: [80197F08] 80197F08: current word to decode 0x6FD00 is for combo artists -------------------------- 81164ACA 0032 = infinite attributes code (yay me) -------------------------- 8007F430: around this area is where you can find who is loaded. (ID4, edit mode) same with 800A0730. -------------------------- crowd animation is 8 ticks before switching -------------------------- in edit mode, 80119110 holds the pointer to where a bunch of interesting information is stored. (including movesets, uncompressed) moveset format: [flag][value] [0] [000] flag: 0x0 = Normal 0x1 = Changed 0x2 = KO 0x4 = Blood 0x8 = Favorite add those up for multiple. (e.g. ko + blood = 0x6) (2018 note: similar area 801190C0) 0x8003C912 ??? --------------- 80109C38 i call this latest area suspicious. 80110002 this one too --------------- 8009B080 this is where AKI stores their pif1 for the controller routines. a pointer to 80057028 is found nearby. 8009B150 contains the inputs of P1. 0x2004 = Z+C down --------------------------- 8003FA0C Hey, there are ID2s of stables here... --------------------------- 80157B58 lol lots of function pointers (the first one is called from RAM:800) --------------------------- 80178864 stores what item you are on in preferences menu. this is useful to know since certain things won't let you pass. --------------------------- 80048670 This seems to be the seed for the random number generator, possibly. --------------------------- 8008DC58 pointer to ??? used for can't edit text? 802C5750 (stored at 8008DC08), (data from 8008DC48), (data from 8008DC50), (data from 8008DC4E), related stuff runtime instructions 800E9604, 800E9614, 800E9618, 800E96E4, 800E9708, 800E9720 (this one is important?), 800F0C90 (compares pointer) ? 801042C4 (referenced by pc 8008F0C) 800F0CA4 last bookmark 802ED390 where the can't edit text pointer ends up getting stored; this will be 00000000 if you can edit the player :) pc 80009038 where it writes the pointer pc 80008FFC ?? --------------------------- 8003C890 pointer to ??? --------------------------- what does the code at 80012190 do? it's called by 80012170, which also sets one of the wrestler location vars 8015D9AC during a battle royal match has a few pointers in a normal match, they are something like this: 8016C764 - P2 start? 8016C450 - P1 Start? 8016C764 - 8016C450 - 8016C450 - 8016CD8C 8016C450 8016CD8C 8016C450 8016C450 --------------------------- 801157D8 - messing with this word can change the camera during the intro somehow. --------------------------- found this at 8004A16C: 0510 - 0538 - 0560 - 0588 - 05B0 - 05D8 - 0600 - 0628 - 0650 - 0678 - 06A0 - 06C8 - 06F0 - 0718 - 0740 - 0768 - --------------------------- seem to be related to the get up timer in MMA matches 8015AFE3 - ? (PC 800EEFE8 runtime modifies this: SH S2 0xAFE2 (AT)) 8015AFEB - Graphic (Digit 2) 8015AFEB - Graphic (Digit 2) --------------------------- PC 8001A78C-8001A790 Is this what prevents mask ripping from working on created wrestlers? ANDI V0 V0 0x800 BNEZ V0 8001A7B8 --------------------------- possible P2 mask locations 8003BD16 800A38E2 80046778 <- data more things 800A3860 was [16D2] 800A3868 was [16D3] once 800A3A88 80046828 is a pointer to [80046778], which is Mask 1 --------------------------- in menus 801A92A4 = battle royal number of wrestlers index 0x01 = 4 wrestlers .... 0x0A = 40 wrestlers 801A8F74 = P1 number of wrestlers on team 801A8FFC = P2 number of wrestlers on team 801A9084 = P3 number of wrestlers on team 801A910C = P4 number of wrestlers on team 801A9194 = number of remaining blocks (?) --------------------------- 8009B0C8 - unknown; 8017811A - unknown; PC 8011D46C stored 0001 once --------------------------- 8104BD78 - pointer to current model on arena select? (these pointers will change based on memory) 80196DA0: budokan 80198480: dome, dome road 801A94E0: AKI hall 80193500: kawasaki -------------------------- codes from my gameshark: 8016C13F 0000 "No Time RR" 800A43DC 0064 "100 League" 801768B5 xxxx "stadium select" -------------------------- 800A4054 controls replay status. -------------------------- 8009FCE0 - written to by PC 8012AEC4 when swapping player controls? -------------------------- ram 8008DBE0 has a pointer to 80128534 (and then 801285D8 right next to it) -------------------------- ram 800A4160 this is some menu state/match type thing 8012B19E 8012B184 - this value is ???. 800B5D14 -> controls stadium? I set this to 0x04 and got the dome ramp. I set this to 0x0A (also 0x06?) and got the locker room. haha what * 0x08 - VPW2 credits ramp (see also 0xA4059 in RAM, which is where it gets this number) 8012C458 -> If this is nonzero (0x0000), then there's a belt. 8012C45A -> controls which character slot (0x00-0x03) to show. (this is during the locker room portion of the intro) another one 800980A0 -> modifies intro start camera? idk wrestler id slots (for the beginning of the next intro) 801190AC - player slot 1 (P1) 801190A8 - player slot 2 (e.g. P1 Manager) 801190A4 - player slot 3 (e.g. P2 in 1v1 matches) 801190A0 - player slot 4 (e.g. P2 Manager) 8012C458 - music control (and more. wtf?? set to 0x0005 for mad fun) 0x00: wrestler 1 0x01: wrestler 2 other than that this thing is wild. 800A24B4 800A0730 - this changes one of the wrestlers via ID4 800A0734 - this changes one of the wrestlers via ID4 ------------ 801190DA - control length of time in locker room 0x03C0 is one of the generic tracks 0x08E8 is giant baba's theme. (longgggg) -------------- 801A6450 ?? -------------- noticed this on the console: every time it has to load the text for "falcon arrow" on exhibition data, it flashes for a second. (has to re-read the text? dunno.) -------------- 8016C13A - timer minutes [wldfb] --------------- 8011911A - ID4 of selected wrestler in menus --------------- 80118F52 - edit costume modes? I don't know! --------------- move preview stuff in edit mode 0x704C4 - animation ID 0x704C6 - animation frame? 8003C890, 8003C892: pointer to something? 801956E0 801A83B0 80220C30 --------------- 8009B084, 8009B154 - are these related to holding Z in move preview? 801041B7, 80119284 - (see above) --------------- 80177764 - a pointer to something. 80177750 - another pointer to something else. (has to do with player stuff.) --------------- 8009D5D0 - ? referenced at CODE:80079CD8 (IDA) 80108CC0 - ? referenced at CODE:8005B09C (IDA) --------------- 800A44D8 - unsure, but changes based on match mode: single: 00000131 (also three-way match) tag: 00000033 battle royal: 0000A131 --------------- 800A3FD0 - pointer to ? --------------- 80176130 - match type (wldfb) --------------- 800A33C0 - ? has some stuff, referenced in CODE:800591C8 (IDA) --------------- 801181E0 - pointer to (802ED470) pointer to (80104200) some text (first one is the Help entry) 802ED474 - pointer to 801ABD60 (button graphics? idk; might change often) --------------- hex words: 0xBABEBACA 0xBABEFACE 0xCAFE4ABE --------------- 80179200 - pointer to ? (80199160) 801999A0 - pointer to ? (801ABD50) 801ABD50 - pointer to ? (80179200) I think this is a linked list. --------------- 80358A60 is where the filetable begins in-game (runtime) (file index - 1) * 4 + 80358A60 = position in filetable then read the address from that point. --------------------------- P1 size/scale in-match: 80070514 P2 size/scale in-match: 800705D4