Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 moveset locations in-game joint collab between AJ 187 & WldFb -------------------------------------------------- AJ: VPW2 is tricky when it comes to movesets. There are multiple ways the moves are stored, not to mention different moveset styles. Here's what we know so far: ---------------------------------------------------------- 8008DB00: ? [WldFb] A DMA is used here to pull data from ROM to memory. 8008BA38 ---------------------------------------------------------- 800980D4-80981B8: P1 moveset (in-match only) [WldFb] (This might be better with 80981BA at the end, I noticed some missing bytes later on...) ========================================================== 8024DC10: currently selected wrestler in edit mode [WldFb] ========================================================== 8034051C: first moveset, default CAW [WldFb] -------- blocks are 0xC0 apart 80345A9C: CAW 16 moveset ---------------------------------------------------------- 10264904 is the ROM address of Misawa's moveset in nemu while running. [aj] ---------------------------------------------------------- 802E886E: this is where caw1's moveset is located [WldFb] (17:39:16) WldFb: when is loaded at the beginning of the game, or when you save the changes to the caw (17:40:06) WldFb: if you set a bpoint there, you'll see what I mean (17:40:41) WldFb: it's written in a similar way to the moveset at 80344F5C (17:43:09) WldFb: caw 2 is at 2E8926 (18:07:48) WldFb: the end of the last moveset (caw 16) is at 2E93EA ---------------------------------------------------------- 8003FD90: contains the pointer to the moveset (17:41:31) WldFb: (340510) (17:41:59) WldFb: the instructions A9B8-C are used to update it (17:42:39) WldFb: it seems the game keeps reading from there (17:42:54) WldFb: whenever a match starts/ends (17:43:00) WldFb: or when you load the game (17:43:09) WldFb: or when you're selecting a character (17:43:22) WldFb: there is also a pointer nearby to the names ... (19:17:02) WldFb: I've tried making some matches until the movesets were moved and 3FD90 is definetly the pointer (19:17:18) WldFb: it's now '8020F7C0' (19:17:48) WldFb: it gets the address to write from the A0 register Recently, I found out that No Mercy has the movesets stored in ROM, albeit in a different format. The parameters and such come first (makes sense; think about VPW2: how is it going to tell if the wrestler uses wrestling/combo/shoot style?), unlike in moveset replacements. If you have WldFb's Moveset Replacements 3 spreadsheet, start at Fighting Style/Speed (cell C115). How does this relate to VPW2? If the two games are similar, the moveset will be stored in a similar format inside the ROM. The format won't be exact due to moveset changes between VPW2 and No Mercy, natch. (Special ground moves, anyone?) (p.s. the two games are similar, see game_motherfucking_over.txt for an idea of where to begin making VPW2 moveset ROMHAX) ---------------------------------------------------------- (14:49:28) WldFb: 800981B8 is where you can change the wrestling style (14:49:31) WldFb: (player 1) (14:49:44) WldFb: 2 is normal, 4 combos WldFb: if you change it in-match and restart the match you'll see the difference (8 is shootfighter) (15:17:51) WldFb: about movesets, I also have the addys for the grapple mods (15:18:14) WldFb: 906B0 (15:19:45) WldFb: that's the weak front a grapple (15:20:03) WldFb: 008C is Baba's chop (15:20:37) WldFb: 0082 knee lift (15:21:08) WldFb: they work the same way as in NM (15:21:12) WldFb: using MMM (15:21:28) WldFb: the damage mod used is still the same of the default move (15:22:12) WldFb: at 09C3B0 instead you can find the fighting style section (including probably the combo/shoot style) (15:22:22) WldFb: there you can change stuff in-match (15:24:28) WldFb: 9c3b0 is the speed (1, 2, 3) (15:24:33) WldFb: 1 slow, 3 fast (15:25:30) WldFb: at 8109C3E2 you can change the stance (15:25:43) WldFb: this one is more complicated as it's shared with other stuff (like in NM) (15:26:03) WldFb: the hidden boxing stance is avaible here too (15:28:54) WldFb: if at 9C3E2 you subtract 2 you can't irish whip anymore (15:29:00) WldFb: if you add it you can (15:29:12) WldFb: at the first bit (15:30:23) WldFb: the pin is still handled by that bit though (15:30:43) WldFb: add 4 to use the mounted hold (15:32:08) WldFb: this one is useful to change in-match (15:32:17) WldFb: if you want someone to have both a pin and the mounted hold (15:33:29) WldFb: the offset between stance should be 18 (15:33:52) WldFb: the bits are the 3rd and 4th at 9C3E2 (15:34:47) WldFb: try 51 for the boxing stance (15:36:33) WldFb: oh wait I had the notes about the normal/combo style (15:36:47) WldFb: it's shared with the stances (15:37:04) WldFb: 9 is normal, A combos, C shoot (15:37:15) WldFb: to this number you have to add the value for the stance (15:40:30) WldFb: for example 51 is a wrestler with boxing stance, 52 combos with boxing stance, 54 shootfigher with boxing stance -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0x9819C is where you want to look for the values to search for rom movesets [AJ] 0x982CD is the same address but for player 2. DOUBLE ACTION 1998. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (17:30:29) WldFb: also the ones who use combos are slighty longer (17:30:41) WldFb: (+4) (17:49:23) AJ!: do you have Maunakea Mossman's offset already? I want to be sure (17:49:29) WldFb: I don't (17:49:33) AJ!: I got 0x2649D6 (17:50:19) WldFb: right after Misawa (17:51:07) WldFb: he uses combos so the one after him is at 264AA8 (18:25:33) WldFb: it seems Don Frye is much shorter (18:25:53) WldFb: shootfigherts have a 7E offset apparently -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- freem 2018 club [edit mode] [in-match] 800980D4 - P1 moveset (packed) 8009819C - P1 fighting style (packed) 8009C3B0-8009C3EB (inclusive) - P1 fighting style (unpacked) 8009C3EC-8009C427 (inclusive) - P2 fighting style (unpacked) WldFb: P1 800980D4-800981BA P2 80098204-800982EA P3 80098334-8009841A P4 80098464-8009854A