hacking VPW2 and need some RAM for whatever purposes? here's a list of some locations, as well as some notes. location ranges are inclusive. ------------------+------------+------------------------------------------------ Location Range | Num. Bytes | Notes ------------------+------------+------------------------------------------------ 80056FE8-80056FEF | 8 | just after some filetable variables 800571E8-800571EF | 8 | 800571F8-800571FF | 8 | just after some bit packing/unpacking vars 80175B70-8017913F | 13776 | gameplay only! see further notes below 80179140-801791FF | 192 | hole between the end of seg002 BSS and aki_malloc space 8010C640-8010C648 | 8 | seg000 (anything but gameplay); uncertain ------------------+------------+------------------------------------------------ [80175B70-8017913F] DURING GAMEPLAY ONLY! hole between end of seg003 BSS and aki_malloc space [80179140-801791FF] data persists between resets