WrestleMania 2000 Intro State (intro_control) NTSC-U RAM: 8011BC84 (8011C164 is intro_next) 00: init? 01: init? -------------------- 02: before P1 Video 03: P1 Video 04: P1 Stage 05: P1 Ring -------------------- 06: before P2 Video 07: P2 Video 08: P2 Stage 09: P2 Ring -------------------- 0A: before P3 Video 0B: P3 Video 0C: P3 Stage 0D: P3 Ring -------------------- 0E: before P4 Video 0F: P4 Video 10: P4 Stage 11: P4 Ring ____________________ 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 1A: 1B: 1C: 1D: 1E: 1F: 20: 2F: -> 30 30: Rumble Pak 31: Fade from black to title menu 38: To Title Menu 39: -> 3B 3A: -> 3B 3B: Controller Pak Menu 3C: "Erase note OK?" 3D: "Initialize cartridge data OK?" 3E: Another fade from black to title menu 45: restart music? 48: -> 4A 49: -> 4A 49: Change BG to WrestleMania 2000 (Edit Mode) 4C: Credits 53: change BG to rematch 55: goto title 56: ? 57: -> 58 58: "Controller is not inserted in Socket 1." 5D: -> 5F 5E: a list of 1-10 (revenge rankings?) (goes to 5F as well) 5F: Odd blue block (if accessed without 5E) 61: restart music? 62: -> 63 63: Win KotR 67: Overlay match, arena, title