WWF WrestleMania 2000 Current Screen Modifier: 8003DD05 00: Title Screen 01: Main Menu 02: New Game / Continue 03: Select Arena 04: Select Players/Controllers 05: Select Match Type 06: Team Battle/Random (Battle Royal) 07: Selecting how many people are on a team (Battle Royal) 08: Wrestlers/Team (Elimination) 09: Continue / New Game / New Game 0A: Select Title to put on the line 0B: Title Data 0C: Select Belt Design 0D: Set up PPV 0E: some weird menu 0F: Options Menu 10: Edit Controls 11: Match Options 12: VS. Screen (with uninitialized data it will ask you who is controlling who) 13: Select Wrestler 14: another Select Wrestler 15: Rumble Results Screen 16: Results (Rematch/Quit) 17: Name Entry 18: Main Edit Menu 19: Profile Edit 1A: Costume Edit 1B: Movelist Edit 1C: Parameter Edit (with uninitialized data it will use VPW2's layout) 1D: Computer Intelligence Edit 1E: Data Menu 1F: Empty 20: Empty 21: Empty 22: Go into match (hilarious without any data, yet possible to exit) 23 and above: nothing of importance 8011B2FE: Original B's face value (in costume editor) 00-32 are the normal faces and only real valid values. 801D7888: names of moves/taunts