WCW/nWo 레벤지 (REVENJI) is a ROM hack of WCW/nWo Revenge, created by RagDas.
(Adapted from the readme file)
- EWF has been replaced by AJPW, and the DAW roster has also been converted,
meaning we now have the following roster additions to the game:
- Kenta Kobashi (replaces Executioner)
- Toshiaki Kawada (replaces Shogun)
- Jumbo Tsuruta (replaces Dr. Frank)
- Dr. Death (replaces Jekel)
- Akira Taue (replaces Maya Inca Boy)
- Genichiro Tenryu (replaces Hawk Hana)
- Koji Kitao (replaces Kim Chee)
- Atsushi Onita (replaces Dake Ken)
- Kodo Fuyuki (replaces Brickowski)
- Tarzan Goto (replaces Ming Chee)
- Tiger Mask (replaces Han Zo Mon)
- Masahiro Chono makes his official return from the roster of WCW vs. The World! He possesses the vast majority of his moves from Virtual Pro Wrestling 64, and occupies the final slot of DAW...at the expense of Virgil.
- To round out the AJPW roster, Terry Gordy was added, who can now officially tag with Dr. Death! His moveset is heavily based on Steve Williams', with certain moves reflecting Gordy's VPW2 moveset. He replaces Sonny Onoo.
- Wrath is more complete. What does that mean? No more glitched Snake Eyes or Boston Crab and an actual costume of his own (at the expense of Mortis').
- Nitro has been converted into a facsimile of the 'lost' arena from VPW2.

- Release 1 (February 10th, 2020)
- Due to the experimental nature of Chono's inclusion in REVENJI, he's not perfect. While he does indeed have the vast majority of his moves (save for corner moves and other minor parts of his moveset) from VPW64, there are imperfections. Reversing any of his moves will result in the wrong reversal animation playing. Furthermore, his flying kneedrop was very difficult to get working. The height of it is rather intense and he doesn't follow through with a roll as with the normal animation. However, as long as you play perfect matches with him and don't fly, you should hardly notice!
- A great majority of the game has been translated into Korean for a few reasons. A big one is to prevent people from trying to port this game to cart and sell it illegally -- the appeal to selling a game is lost when it's not in a language commonly understood by those who would be willing to buy! The other, more sympathetic reason is that AKI games are traditionally in either English or Japanese. Consider this the first time an AKI game has been translated to a language outside of English -- a third AKI language. I think it's special and adds a unique flavor to the game.
- This hack is not affiliated with WCW, WWE, nWo, All Japan Pro Wrestling, New Japan Pro Wrestling, AKI Corporation/syn sophia, Asmik Ace, Nintendo or any other companies/wrestlers appearing in this hack.