Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 freem Edition is a hack of AKI Corporation's Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 on the Nintendo 64. The hack replaces various default VPW2 wrestlers with other wrestlers, most of whom have been in other AKI wrestling games. Unlike most other AKI wrestling game modding projects, the changes in VPW2 freem Edition are made by editing the ROM, meaning the resulting hack can be played on real hardware.
If you want to chat about the hack, there is a Discord server available.
Current Version
Previous Versions
- VPW2 freem Edition 2023/07/30
- VPW2 freem Edition 2021/01/28
- VPW2 freem Edition 2020/08/06 preview
- VPW2 freem Edition 2020/01/28 preview
- VPW2 freem Edition 2019/02/22 preview
- VPW2 freem Edition 2019/01/28 preview
Older news is available on a separate page.
VIRTUAL PRO-WRESTLING 2 FREEM EDITION 2024/06/15 Version ("The 90% Release") Released! – Posted July 30th, 2023
A new version of VPW2 freem Edition is now available. This version brings the hack to 90% completion, but will be the last version that uses my current hacking methods (i.e. VPW Studio and a hex editor). For information on what's changed in this release, check the changelog.
This is the last version that supports regular Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 Controller Pak save data.
While the Manual is in a usable state, the Character Guide is being put off until all changes are considered "final".
- Manual
- Character Guide
Wow! These screenshots are way out of date! You should check the Manual for more up-to-date screenshots.
All screenshots are of development builds. Content has already changed, etc.
Awards and Such
VPW2 freem Edition got 2nd place in the NextWave 64 2019 Beginning of the Year awards for Favorite Project: