Table of Contents

  1. Supported Versions/ROMs
  2. General Notes
  3. Notable File Types
  4. Global Text
  5. Default Wrestler IDs
  6. Wrestler Data
    1. Profile
    2. Moves and Parameters
    3. Default Costumes
  7. Stable Data
  8. Costume Data
  9. Arena Data

VPW2 docs archive:

Supported Versions/ROMs

All data is for Z64 format ROMs only.

Friendly Name Product Code Region Revision MD5 SHA-1 Internal Checksums
Virtual-Pro Wrestling 2 - Ōdō Keishō
バーチャル・プロレス2 〜王道継承〜
NA2J NTSC-J (Japan) 0 90002501777e3237739f5ed9b0e349e2 82dd25a044689eab57ab362fe10c0da6388c217a CD094235

General Notes

Work on Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 appears to have started around the time WCW/nWo Revenge was completed, as preview screenshots on AKI's website showed AKI man and Executioner fighting in Nippon Budokan, as well as a daytime version of the stadium.

Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 is probably the most supported game in VPW Studio, as a significant portion of its development is tied to the development of the VPW2 freem Edition hack.

Most text is in Shift-JIS encoding. A few items require the use of fullwidth alphanumeric characters:

Certain characters (e.g. the Roman numeral 2) do not get converted properly in AkiText archives. This is a VPW Studio-specific problem.

Notable File Types



In Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2, MenuBackground objects consist of multiple 64x30 chunks of an image, with a total of 5 columns and 8 rows.

Global Text

Z64 ROM address: 0x69650 (start of strings); 0x6A4E0 (start of pointers)

While most of the strings are available in various AkiText archives, there are a few that are hardcoded in the ROM. freem calls this section "Global Text". Strings end with an 0x00 byte, though there may be extra padding for alignment purposes.

Global text strings are accessed via a pointer table found directly after the strings. (The truth is a bit more complicated than this; ignore it for now.) Making strings longer requires re-pointing the table, which is a very arduous task to take on manually. The recommended method is to use an assembler; information on this is beyond the scope of this manual.

In Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2, most of the global strings are Shift-JIS encoded. Text control codes are supported, though some are of limited use.

Default Wrestler IDs

Internal wrestler ordering generally matches the stables, though exceptions are made for unlocked characters (and some other oddities). There are no obvious gaps in ordering, unlike previous games.

Wrestler ID2 ID4
Mitsuharu Misawa
01 0001
Yoshinari Ogawa
02 0002
Toshiaki Kawada
03 0003
田上 明
Akira Taue
04 0004
Kenta Kobashi
05 0005
秋山 準
Jun Akiyama
06 0006
馳 浩
Hiroshi Hase
07 0007
Maunakea Mossman
08 0008
Yoshihiro Takayama
09 0009
Masahito Kakihara
0A 000A
Giant Baba
0B 000B
Bomber Tsukamoto
(Jumbo Tsuruta)
0C 000C
Daddy Fang Jr.
(Dory Funk Jr.)
0D 000D
Stan Hansen
0E 0101
0F 0102
Johnny Ace
10 0103
Mike Barton
11 0104
Giant Kimala
12 0105
泉田 純 13 0106
Gary Albright
14 0107
Johnny Smith
15 0108
King Kong Freddy
(Bruiser Brody)
16 0109
テディ・バリー 17 010A
Professor Kill
(Steve Williams)
18 010B
Takao Omori
19 010C
Kentaro Shiga
1A 010D
林 静夫 1B 0201
舟越拓郎 1C 0202
佐久間慶太 1D 0203
矢島貫太郎 1E 0204
源流成一郎 1F 0205
小堀茂三 20 0206
仲本勇太 21 0207
長瀬正雄 22 0208
山田貴史 23 0209
大山仲道 24 020A
アミーゴ稲村 25 020B
千葉倫太郎 26 020C
ゴードン・クライ 27 020D
千倉真樹夫 28 0301
寺田久雄 29 0302
村田健一 2A 0303
古坂 悟 2B 0304
ゴロー斉木 2C 0305
Scotch Bourbon
(Scott Norton)
2D 0306
Crazy Joker
(Great Muta)
2E 0307
マスク・ド・デンジャー 2F 0401
ザ・デスグリーン 30 0402
メンドー・コテ・メン 31 0403
大河原忍 32 0404
谷口龍彦 33 0405
梶田小次郎 34 0406
Doctor Jr.
35 0407
The Jackal
(Tiger Mask)
36 0408
Python TOKIO
(Magnum TOKYO)
37 0409
シーザー・マサカド 38 040A
39 0501
風吹春道 3A 0502
我狼 3B 0503
下狼 3C 0504
ミキサー鍛冶郎 3D 0505
竹中雅史 3E 0506
The Radiator
(The Gladiator)
3F 0507
Mini Dragon
(Dragon Kid)
40 0508
仁王田剛 41 0509
Teddy Fang
(Terry Funk)
42 050A
Ninja Tasuke
(Great Sasuke)
43 0601
薪谷一世 44 0602
Space Elwin
(Super Delfin)
45 0603
無乱難波 46 0604
MICHIたかもく 47 0605
エル・マスカレード 48 0606
エイソン猪下 49 0607
納村仁志 4A 0701
高中恒彦 4B 0702
グルジャン・タムウェル 4C 0703
Wolf Man
(Volk Han)
4D 0704
松長飛鳥 4E 0705
カサンドラ・ガリレイ 4F 0706
石塚有司 50 0801
カサンドラ鬼塚 51 0802
池波大吾 52 0803
竹中 充 53 0804
辻原嘉幸 54 0805
斎藤ナルミ 55 0806
浦木利克 56 0901
滝橋芳信 57 0902
須崎ひかる 58 0903
ラガー綿内 59 0904
Bo Rassen
(Bas Rutten)
5A 0905
セイラ・シュミット 5B 0906
高間宣弘 5C 0A01
笹木場一成 5D 0A02
マイク・ケアンズ 5E 0A03
ニクソン・ブレイシー 5F 0A04
アンディ・ザ・ギガント 60 0B01
Azteca Dragon
(Ultimo Dragon)
61 0B02
アブダラ・ザ・ボッチャー 62 0B03
Original A
63 0C01
Original P
72 0C10
Controller Pak Original A 73 0D01
Controller Pak Original P 82 0D10

The Controller Pak edit wrestler slots are not normally available for use in matches. By default, they are only loaded when visiting the Wrestler section of the Data menu in the Options.

Nobody's particularly sure why Enson Inoue is hanging out with the Michinoku Pro dudes (at ID4 0607), but given that Mil Mascaras is right before him in ID4 ordering (0606), his slot probably originally belonged to Dos Caras.

As for identities of people who could have been in the game, that's a lot less obvious. All we have to go by is how AKI supposedly named the files for moveset/parameters, as those seem to get added to the file table in alphabetical order.

Wrestler Data

Z64 ROM address: 0x3FBE4


Most Profile data is stored in the ROM, but wrestler names are stored in the FileTable as an AkiText archive (file ID 006C).

All names are using Shift-JIS encoding, so full-width characters will need to be used when renaming characters. Japanese IME support is recommended, but you can also look for the relevant characters using the Character Map program provided with Windows. Search for "fullwidth" to find the correct characters.

Moves and Parameters

Moves and Parameters are found in the FileTable, and are mapped to wrestlers via data in the ROM ("Moveset Index" and "Params Index" in the Wrestlers dialog). The data formats are not fully understood, but you can make a wrestler in Edit Mode and export the Moves and Parameters in the formats required.

Default Costumes

Default costume data is also stored in the FileTable (file ID 006B), and can be edited via the Wrestlers dialog. The "Appearance Index" in the Wrestler dialog maps to the entries in the default costume data.

Data Format

(todo: Copy/Paste uses format from offsets 8024DE80 and 8024DEBE (Edit Mode); clipboard data can be pasted at the latter address)

Stable Data

Z64 ROM address: 0x408BC

Stables in Virtual Pro-Wrestling 2 hold up to 8 wrestlers maximum. If all eight slots are used, a terminating value (four bytes of 0x00) must be written to separate the stables. VPW Studio does not always handle this case correctly.

Costume Data

This section describes the data for the available costume parts. If you are looking to edit the default wrestler costumes, please see the "Default Costumes" section.

Costume Colors

Costume colors in Edit Mode are defined in file ID 0E50.

Arena Data